Thursday, January 7, 2010

And We Have Liftoff...

So, as the new year has come and sewn itself into the fabric of time, I have decided it was time to take the next noticeable step with my photography- become more personable to it and take greater ownership over my work. Last year was amazing, and I have to thank Dallas for making that happen for me. My first camera came to me in the mail January 5th 2009 and my first paid product photography job was on January 23rd for a client I still work with. My first wedding was on my birthday, April 25th, and I was fortunate enough to shoot over 40 weddings in the last 9 months of that year. Oh, how I feel blessed. So! My major focus for 2010 is creating a more personable portfolio. One that does not just display the photos, but gives more insight into my shooting style, tendencies, and shows you actually how darn busy I am! Anyway, I am looking forward to a stellar year here in 2010, and have already had the opportunity to work with another amazing photographer in Dallas on the very first day of the year.

Thank you Texas, I look forward to serving you well in 2010.


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