Friday, January 8, 2010

My editing process...

No two photographers are the same. Everyone shoots differently, with different cameras and lenses, emphasizes different things depending on the subject matter, and everyone edits differently as well. In this age where digital photographs are the norm, taking the photo is only half the work. The manipulation of the picture after takes much more than a mere click of a shutter button. All of my photos are analyzed and editied for a number of different things during the post processing process. Over the past year, thing have changed for me though. I used to shoot, shoot, shoot, and then edit, edit, edit. I used to rely so much on post processing of the images that I ended up spending endless hours in front of the computer screen to achieve a desired result. What is great though, is that over time I have relied less on the editing and focused more on a "pure" style of shooting. Let's just say I am getting done right the first time. The shoot highlighted below was from about a week ago and features Brittany B., a friend of mine who needed head shots for her portfolio while I was back in Houston over the break. Shooting for friends is always great and laid back. Below is an example of my editing process. The first being the original- straight from the camera, the second- a finished edit, and the third- a black and white transfer. Enjoy (and as always, you can just click on the image to view it larger):

Thursday, January 7, 2010

So, working on day 1 of the new year... Yep, sounds about right.

I was enjoying the holiday with my family in Houston when I received an email from a photographer who was shooting a wedding in Dallas on the first and was asking if I would be available to help him second shoot for it. So, I threw a price at him that covered time, skill, equipment, and the drive from H-Town to the Dirty D. He bit. Next thing I knew, I was on my way to Dallas on the first day of the year. It was well worth it. Their names were Trey and Marisa. An amazing couple who recently graduated from the beloved Texas A&M University and gave their vows on 1/1/10. This is how I saw their wedding (as always, just click to enlarge the image):

And We Have Liftoff...

So, as the new year has come and sewn itself into the fabric of time, I have decided it was time to take the next noticeable step with my photography- become more personable to it and take greater ownership over my work. Last year was amazing, and I have to thank Dallas for making that happen for me. My first camera came to me in the mail January 5th 2009 and my first paid product photography job was on January 23rd for a client I still work with. My first wedding was on my birthday, April 25th, and I was fortunate enough to shoot over 40 weddings in the last 9 months of that year. Oh, how I feel blessed. So! My major focus for 2010 is creating a more personable portfolio. One that does not just display the photos, but gives more insight into my shooting style, tendencies, and shows you actually how darn busy I am! Anyway, I am looking forward to a stellar year here in 2010, and have already had the opportunity to work with another amazing photographer in Dallas on the very first day of the year.

Thank you Texas, I look forward to serving you well in 2010.
